Rescue Training Manikins & Fire Safety Products

Mass Casualty

Lightweight, foam filled manikin for when large numbers of casualties are required


Moving and handling heavy items carries certain risks. Please read and distribute these guides to all involved in using our training dummies.

  1. Equipment Note for Ruth Lee Rescue Training Dummies
  2. Risk Assessment for the General Handling and Transportation of Training Dummies
  3. Data Sheet

Product Details

A cost effective manikin when large numbers of casualties are required - they have little or no weight to them (4Kg) and would be perfect for a large, multi agency exercise were a large number of casualties//bodies are required to be seen but not necessarily rescued.


  • Constructed in a lightweight water resistant polyester and filled with flame retardent foam pieces - adult sized at 1.8m.
  • Anatomically correct so will accept any old clothing available to increase realism.
  • Strong enough to be buried under concrete or steel lintels with no damage - these manikins are tough!
  • Can withstand being driven over with a 4x4 vehicle and being dropped from a 2nd floor window onto a concrete floor with no damage.
  • Light weight allows them to be handled by any trainees - light enough to be placed in any situations very easily.
  • Light weight allows for easy storage (can be folded or vacuum packed) and transport.


  • Widely used in large multi agency training exercises.
  • Fire & Rescue teams throughout the world - regularly exported to 26 countries worldwide.
  • Ambulance and EMS teams.
  • Transport & Utility companies
  • Military
  • Police & Law enforcement agencies
  • Hospitals
  • Prisons
  • Aviation sectors
  • Mountain rescue
  • Construction


Available in one size only 1.8m and 4Kg.

A simple water resistant polyester carcass.

Filled with Flame Retardent foam pieces.

Clothing can be supplied if required

Product Sizes

Product Code

Mass Casualty

Product Code